Party #22 (Scott St)

Original Partygoers transcript from the archives:

Steve: Given that we weren’t dressed as pirates, I think it showed an incredible amount of guts to go into this one.

Will: It was our first costume party – we knew it was a pirate party going in.

John: We actually got all the way to the backyard before we got thrown out.

Steve: It took a few minutes for word to spread to the right person that we were there.

John: And then we were rudely dismissed.

Will: But not nearly as rudely as the second time they kicked us out.

John: Never let it be said that we give up easily. The second time it was like they were waiting for us, though.

Will: It was like a sting operation or something. They really weren’t happy to see us again.

John: I darted in and managed to get inside but I think you guys got stopped at the door, so I had to give myself up.

Will: I got my foot in the door and that’s about it.

Steve: John, you ran in! I bet you were thinking of your dubloons line the whole time.

John: I was so proud of that line, then the next day it turned out that nobody we told the story to knew what dubloons were.

Steve: Sad.

August 8, 2011

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