Partygoing Tips & Tricks

Part 1, Finding that party:

1. Pound the pavement!

2. Keep your ears open, especially at intersections.

3. Be aware of false positives.

4. Go where your instincts take you.

5. Listen to the wisdom of passing strangers.

6. Know where main party areas are, but don’t be afraid to try fresh routes.

7. Always have a 40 ouncer in your hand.

8. Seek the bass vibrations in the air.

9. Carry a pen and notebook to document your adventures.

10.Look for open doors and gates, people on porch/stoop/stairs.

Part 2, At that party:

1. Be confident – act like you belong.

2. Listen for names and details on your way in.

3. Work your way to the back of the party and find the keg ASAP.

4. Know your alibi – a name for the person you’re supposed to meet, story that you’re new in town, etc.

5. Don’t panic. Situations can be tough, but keep your wits about you. You are unlikely to receive a beatdown of any sort.

6. Have that moment – the appreciation of your surroundings and that you’re in.

7. A DJ means it’s a good party, so compliment him/her.

8. Mingle casually, not desperately.

9. Practice good karma by always adding to the festivities rather than detracting from them.

10.Leave on a high note and toast yourselves when you’re out.

July 28, 2011

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